Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hitting Another Milestone... So Fun!

So, it's the first full week for staff and the students arrive on Wednesday.  Monday was the all district staff meeting.  It was fun!  The marching band played at the beginning, they honored the teacher of the year and support staff member of the year (awesome, by the way), showed some videos and just did a lot of fun stuff to get the school year started right!  As a new staff member, I had to stand up and be recognized, which wasn't as embarrassing as it used to be.  On top of that, I ended up winning a prize that was donated by a community member - so fun!  

I made sure I got to the gym on Monday and did a good workout - it really was a priority for me.  On Tuesday, I found out I was getting a new kitchen floor for free, which was awesome!  Made my day!  But, my day got even better when Renee' showed up at soccer game that night and I was able to see her and talk to her for a few minutes.  I hadn't seen her since before I left for vacation at the beginning of July.  It's always fun to see someone when you've lost weight and they haven't seen you in awhile :)  I got to play on the field with the kids at halftime, which, by the way, is so much more fun and easier this year!  I can chase my nephew around and not even be out of breath.  I never realized how much I was missing out on.  

Wednesday was the first day with students which, as any first day is, was a little crazy but it was still fun.  I loved getting to meet some students. 

Thursday was another amazing day.  I stepped on the scale and had lost 2 more pounds!  I surpassed the 75 pounds and had hit 76 pounds 2 weeks before my goal date!  What an amazing feeling!  Throughout the day I was trying to decide what my next goal would be.  At the time, I was weighing in at 205 pounds (still can't believe I'm putting that out there for the world to know).  I decided that my next goal (which I am currently in the middle of pursuing), is to lose another 24 pounds by Christmas.  That would make 100 total, which, honestly, seems insane to me.  But I really want to try and Renee' thinks it's possible so, that's where my goal stands right now!  I'm going to have to keep working at it but I know it is possible.  I definitely would not have said that in January.

At my new job, we are allowed to wear spirit wear on Fridays.  I was so excited to wear my new t-shirt, especially because it actually fit!  It was a size I probably hadn't worn in over 10 years.  I honestly think this is one of my favorite pictures...ever!

It's really an amazing feeling to change your life - I still can't believe all the changes I've made in such a short time.  But I love the results of everything I've done and can't wait to see what else is out there for me.  Plus, there is still so much more to my story that I can't wait to share :)

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